WhitLind© A product of Kings Highway Productions Made With Serif WebPlus.

Photography by Allison Thomas

Its a Family Affair

Farm life is and always will be a personal journey of a magnitude unprecedented in our lifetime.

Zenda, Dan, Whitney, and Lindsey are the owner operators of WhitLind's.  We are committed to serving you .  Making your stay the most memorable of your lifetime, with the intent of having you return many times.  WhitLind’s is a Natural Horseman’s venue, meaning we fully subscribe to the principles of Natural Horsemanship.  

Our practices are learned from Parelli Natural Horsemanship, and we offer the opportunity for others, with the same interest, to ride and learn at our facility.  If you would just like to visit and view the horses please give us a call or email from the contact page.

Whitney Van Zyl is our Two Star Parelli Professional and is a fantastic teacher and horseman.  A Level 4 rider, she has over 8 years playing with horses and the Parelli Methods.  We are excited about your opportunity to have her as a mentor on your Natural Journey.

Natural Florida

WhitLind’s is Natural Florida

Ever wonder what it was like in the wilderness of Florida.  I did and I hoped to one day get the opportunity to go some place like the everglades and live like the Seminoles.  Took about 54 years, but we got close.  South Lake County is the wild and wooly Florida.  The land of “Crackers” and citrus growers for almost two hundred years.  The Confederate railway ran close to here.  The “Crackers as they were called drove cattle from the west to the rail heads along the line.  Later from the early 20th Century Citrus became the King of Agriculture.  Trains would run Citrus to the packing plants north .  

Most of the pristine wilderness of the Green Swamp is still there.  Large flocks of Florida Egrets, Split tail hawks, Eagles, Red Hawks, Bobcats, Coons, and more than our share of coyotes.  There are a large number of canopy roads.  Much of the Citrus industry is gone.  But enough still lingers to provide an idea of what was.  

Much of the farming industry has been hard hit by the recession.  It continues today.  Many dreams have gone bust, but WhitlLind’s has just begun flourishing.  With Whitney’s leadership and the Parelli brand, the future couldn’t be brighter.  Maybe just maybe we have found out what we are going to do when we grow up.

We are looking forward to spending some time with you, spending some time with us, come Stay and Play.

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